Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I bought Baby brine shrimp for my baby guppies but it is like the size of your pinkie nail should i grind them?

Yes. Guppy fry have really small mouths and are very skittish and generally avoid things that are bigger than them.I bought Baby brine shrimp for my baby guppies but it is like the size of your pinkie nail should i grind them?
Uh baby brine shrimp are NOT the size of your pinky nail. Perhaps they are baby shrimp?

Baby brine shrimp are about the size of dust particles. You could buy them frozen, that's what I do. Uh in your case since they are probably not baby brine shrimp, I would grind em up with something like a mortar and pistil.

Baby brine shrimp are like laxatives....I also found that finely ground fish flakes and some thing called First Bites work well.I bought Baby brine shrimp for my baby guppies but it is like the size of your pinkie nail should i grind them?
Yes. And i dont think that they are baby brine shrimp since they're so big.

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