Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I think im loosing my mucus plug in lil pieces...like pinky nail size pieces...im 37 wks pregnant ...?

but i dont know if it is my plug its a lil gooey and clear...im also getting a lil bit of cramps so how long do you think i will deliver im already 3 cm dialated...i was closed 1 day and 5 days later i progressed to 3 cm...so how long you think i will have my baby....im having lil cramps then my back is starting to have pain...I think im loosing my mucus plug in lil pieces...like pinky nail size pieces...im 37 wks pregnant ...?
usually once your entire plug comes out, usually you will go into labor within 48 hrs - you should watch and see if you water breaks. It took 2 day for my plug to come out and within 24 hrs of the last piece coming out, my water broke and I went into labor. Everyone is different though, but I thought it would be helpful to know what to look for.I think im loosing my mucus plug in lil pieces...like pinky nail size pieces...im 37 wks pregnant ...?
I hope your delivery goes very smoothly :) Congratulations!!

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I lost my plus 3 weeks before I went into labor. I lost a little at a time. You are well on your way, good luck.
It's hard to tell because every labor is different. I know your ready to stop being pregnant (thats a sign of impending labor too). You can lose your plug in bits and peices. Your cramps are probably braxton hicks or false labor. Trust me when real labor hits. You'll know. Should you have a gush of fluid, especially pink or green...get thee to the hospital ASAP.
Honey, that is your muscus plug. You're baby is ready to come out. :) CONGRATS! EEEEEEE! I'm so excited for you!

Those cramps are the beginning of labor pains, they will get worse. Lie down and relax, walking will make them worse. Call your doctor.

Water isn't always the sign. My mom's water didn't break, but she lost her plug and got the cramps, so be careful and lay down a while.
If your dilated 3 your baby is cuming soon....Just wait till your water breaks...Don't rush it!!! I was dilated 10 n in labor for 18 hours!!
There's no way to really tell until you start having consistent contractions as close as 5 min apart.

My doc gave me some papers today and they said to call if water breaks, go to hospital.

When contractions are at least 5 min apart and lasting 60 seconds and are so strong that you can't comfortably walk or talk through them.

I've read that losing mucus plug can happen weeks before labor begins but since you are dilated to 3cm it shouldn't be much longer, unless dilation stops.

Good luck, you'll know when you need to head to your hospital!
Don't take chances, still a bit early ( I had my son at 37 wks)call your doc, or get straight to emergency room,better safe than sorry.

Be safe %26amp; Good luck
OK for you Nancy Kay, bitching about the questions....

Hello what do you expect??

You're in the pregnancy section of a website called ';Answers'; That's what people are here for...hence the questions.

If you don't like questions...go to another website...and let these people get the ANSWERS to their questions...

And to answer your question...

It sounds like you're pretty close...however everyone is different... I walked around with no plug and 4 cms dilated for about 4 weeks and i never went into labor ...I ended up being induced at 42 weeks.

Don't stress out mama, just keep in close contact with your doctor, keep the hospital bag at the door or better yet, in the car so you are always ready...and then just wait. Baby will come, when he/she comes.

Good Luck!! And congratulations!!
It sounds like you're close, but every pregnancy is so different, it's really impossible to say. I know I lost my mucous plug weeks before my daughter made her grand entrance. It's really hard to say.
oh you'll be in the hospital in about 24-48 hours max if your having cramps. your past 36 weeks so it should be fine and no complications. im not guaranteeing anything but my wife started having cramps one morning and by 8 pm orur son was born.
When I was pregnant with my last child. I knew when I lost my mucus plug. Mine wasn't in pieces though. It was like a little ball of slime. I called my doctor and she informed me it could still be a week or so before I actually delivered. Well, as we know each pregnancy is different, I delivered her approximately 18 hours later.
They thought I lost my mucous plug at 32 weeks, and I am now 38 1/2 weeks and still waiting. My doctor told me the that because the vagina is a mucous membrane, if lost it can actually recreate itself, (which is probably what happened to me). I have also been having cramps the last few days, and havent turned into anything consistant yet. And I was 2 cm dilated 2 weeks ago. Hang in there. The baby will come when he/she is ready, and not before. You will know when it is time for that baby to come out.
depending on how far appart your contractions are I would say it's almost time to go to the hospital! I have 3 little girls and when my contractions were starting I knew cause the bloody show started like you mentioned above and my lower back started aching! Immediatly start counting how long each pain lasts from start to start...when the pains are 5 minutes from start to start for atleast 30 mins go to your hospital or birthing place. Congratulations! You are in labor!

oh and Good luck...and I reccomend no pain killers cause the pain goes away immediatly after even though it really hurts for the labor...plus you will be ready to take care of your baby right away rather than sleeping for days! I did 2 kids with epidural and the last 1 without...maybe use a mild pain reliever at first if you'd prefer. Anyway! Start counting!
*Ahem....* Would you be so kind as to pass me that slice of pizza......?
Pretty please, ask your damned doctor and stop boring us with these way too personal and grody details of your pregnancy...have some self-respect!

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